Dear reader,
what whirlwind days and what fun it’s been! The authorities are really working hard on keeping me entertained and I appreciate the effort. First, they’ve started to feed me this thing called “food”. Strangely enough it doesn’t come from a breast but is served on something called a spoon. Spoon is quite a fun toy although I’m not sure about the things they put on top of it.
They began with an orange concoction called carrot which was not bad, followed a few days later by another orange thing with a funny name like pataya, papiya, papaya? Anyway, I didn’t really care for that. Then finally something worthy of my attention was served: adovaco. (Or was it avocado? I don’t remember. Why do foods have such strange names?) Anyway, I had that again for lunch the next day and it was quite palatable. Let’s hope they keep that on the menu.
*Update: Today I ate watermelon and food finally makes sense! It was revelatory dear reader. Sweet, juicy, sticky and messy. A joy to eat and play with. Keep up the good work authorities!
In other news, I GOT TEETH!
That was a great surprise I pulled off. Just bit the catering lady on her finger one day and wow did she scream! Hahaha, what fun.
To celebrate my new teeth the authorities invited some friends to my house to play. Family Samuel was great because they came with kids attached. The older one would dance for me while the younger one showed me how to sit in a highchair. Amusing and valuable lessons. Also, when you’re sick you get to eat Chocapics. I don’t know what those are but I will make it my mission to find out.
The weather improved wonderfully while they were here with lots of cold and rain – so much better for sleeping – although the authorities and their friends didn’t seem to enjoy the meteorological changes as much as I did. Tant pis.
After the fun kids and their authorities left (apparently all kids have these, who knew?!), Catering and Maintenance brought home yet another guest who was introduced to me as “great-grandmother”. That concept is a little over my head but she liked to sing and kept telling me how pretty I was so I smiled at her a lot and we got along like a house on fire.
My stay on this beautiful island is almost over, dear reader. Next week the authorities will take me back to the city of my birth, appropriately just in time for my 6 months birthday celebration, and onwards to Italy where my cousins need help picking fruit. I’m sure my help will be invaluable for that undertaking.
So long,
Small Paw